Success Stories

RAMMP's Biggest Fans Tell All

Experience the stories from RAMMP's biggest fans. In these testimonials, or customers share their experiences in how they used RAMMP's unique AI to...

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How a few simple UX changes increased monthly net payer gain by 138% for PocketSmith

The challenge for PocketSmith 90% of paying customers were active in the first month after signing up, 44% of customers were inactive in the second,...

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How NextMinute reduced website exits by 170% by creating a smoother journey to sign-up

We are only seeing an exit rate of 27% compared to 47% on our website conversion page, meaning users are more informed to convert -- Hayden Foster,...

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How Grammarly uses a weekly newsletter as a clever reminder of their value to maintain engagement

Learn how Grammarly created a unique system for converting their digital relationships from Sign-up to Upgrade and re-buy

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How a decade of brand evolution helped GoDaddy appeal to a larger target audience and grow online sales

In 2011, GoDaddy lost 72,000 customers in one month. What can we learn from the evolution of the GoDaddy brand, and the importance and impact of the...

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How Thnx! created a revenue-positive marketing campaign with 100% conversion rates

Gratitude technology company Thnx! faced the typical challenge of being relatively unknown and having no significant budget with which to change...

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Removing resistance results in 300% more sign-ups for compliance app Quipcheck

Quipcheck struggled with sub 5% sign-up rates, which they needed to rectify to grow their business into new markets. Their conversion rates after...

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How Intuto used ADORE to re-position their twenty-year-old brand

Intuto sensed that they would need to specialize their services and focus on a niche target audience to regain a strong foothold in the market. They...

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How a medical service provider increased website bookings by 547%

How a medical service provider increased website bookings by 547%

See how this medical specialist clinic increased online bookings by 547% in the first month with RAMMP. No magic or voodoo - they simply connected...

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